Sunshine Mandarins aka Tango Tangerines and/or Tango Tangerines & Rubys
Sunshine Mandarins aka "Tangos" are a new hybrid mandarin with a mild, sweet flavor, smooth texture and a zipper-skin that peels in a snap. This exclusive, Spring mandarin variety is virtually seedless and fun to eat!
All Tango Tangerines
Tango Mandarins are super easy to peel, seedless, and have a mild sweet flavor
Tango Tangerines & Ruby Red Grapefruit
Tango Mandarins are super easy to peel, seedless, and have a mild sweet flavor
Now you can choose an optional "Add-On" to compliment your Citrus Gift upon Checkout...
Add-on #1 "The Classic" The deluxe for over 30 years- We'll add a 1/2 lb. of chocolate dipped coconut patties, a 8 oz. jar of orange marmalade, and a 8 oz. jar of fresh fruit preserves. (Shown)
Add-on #2 "Sharon's Homemade Fudge" We'll add a 1/2lb box of Sharon's Homemade Chocolate Fudge
We'll add a 1/2lb of "Sharon's Homemade Chocolate Pecan Fudge"
Add-on #3 "Orange Blossom Honey" We'll add a Full 1lb. jar of Orange Blossom Honey.
Add-on #4 "Citrus Hand Cream" We'll add a Large 4 oz jar of our Luxurious Al's Citrus Hand Cream.
For only $11.95 more It's the perfect addition to an already wonderful gift of fresh Indian River fruit.
Note: As shown in picture, "Add-on" may replace 1 to 3 pieces of fruit in your tray.
- Add-Ons are not allowed to AZ, CA, LA, TX, AK or Canada due to USDA restrictions.
- Add-Ons are not available on the 1/5 bushel due to package dimensions.