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Since 1977!
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Come see our historic 1939 red barn!
2001 N. Kings Hwy.
Fort Pierce, FL 34951
Citrus Shop hours:
STORE REOPENED! Groveside Market: 10-5 M-F, Sat 10-4; SHIPPING Office: 9-5 M-F (limited hours SAT),
Always closed Sundays.
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The Citrus Club®
Order by NOV 6 for Free Box + Free Honey & Spoons!

October Early Pride Mandarins
Early Pride Mandarins
Early Pride Tangerines are an early season hit at Al's. They are the first fruit of the season to ripen (late OCT-mid NOV) They are easy to peel, sweet & juicy with virtually no seeds!(Navels will be first for orders placed after NOV 7th.)
Nov Navel Oranges
Navel Oranges
The Thanksgiving & Christmas favorite, sweet, easy peeling, and best of all No Seeds! Navels are known as the King of Florida's citrus crop!
Dec SugarBelles
SugarBelles are our latest Florida success story! This petite, close cousin to the Honeybell is extremely rare, extra juicy, sweet and tangy too. Ready before Christmas they always sell out early.
Jan Glory Orris
Glory Orris
Our best selling, locally grown hybrid, these awesome mandarin oranges are back! Glory Orri's are easy-peeling and deliciously sweet.
Feb Temples
This sweet, easy-peeling, juicy tangerine/orange cross has a uniquely tantalizing taste and aroma unlike any citrus variety in the world.
Mar Sunshine Mandarin (Tango)
Sunshine Mandarins
"Sunshine Mandarins" are a new late season Tango mandarin. They have a mild, sweet flavor, smooth texture and a zipper-skin that peels in a snap. Sunshine Mandarins are amazingly seedless too!
April Valencia Oranges
Valencia Oranges
This springtime classic is Florida's best juice orange. Delicious eating when sliced into quarters, or in cool, tropical fruit salads.

Why not treat yourself or someone you love to a season supply of my finest, mouthwatering Florida Citrus delivered straight to the door from Thanksgiving to May?
It's so easy to join—Simply choose all oranges, all Ruby Red grapefruit or a tasty mixture of both. In return, I promise to reserve you, my club member, the very best fruit from each picking. Once you've tasted the Al's Family Farms difference, I'm sure you'll agree—you won't find sweeter, fresher fruit anywhere. Click here to view the current crop report. Additionally, as a Citrus Club member you have the option to charge closer to the time of shipment, or Charge Card Prepaid.) Best of all, your last full-size box of fruit is FREE! You pay only for shipping! If you prefer, you can customize the varieties and sizes any way you wish by calling 1-888-617-6703.

Citrus Club - All Oranges
Citrus Club - All Grapefruit
Citrus Club - Mixed Oranges & Grapefruit

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If you have any problems, or would like to make a comment or suggestion, please feel free to use our online form or call toll free 1-888-617-6703.

© 2024-2025 Al's Family Farms - All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 650808
Vero Beach, FL 32965
Local:  (772) 460-0556
Fax:  (772) 466-5826
Customer Service:  (888) 617-6703
Store Closed Sundays